The Democratic party in Congress is doing a very silly
thing. Moved, it is believed, by Mr. Tilden, it has voted for a Com- mittee which is to reopen the whole question of Mr. Hayes's elec- tion. They believe that investigation will show great frauds, and that in particular Florida was counted for Mr. Hayes in direct opposition to the vote of the State. The fraud was effected by the Returning Board, and has been confessed by the Chairman, Judge McLin, a Democrat, and by Captain Dennis, a Republican who was prominent in the election. Both received offices from Mr. Hayes. The Democrats threaten, if these frauds are proved, to ask the Supreme Court to declare the election void ; but their real object is probably to secure Mr. Tilden at the next election, and their proceedings do not please the country. It is argued, and with justice, that if a President's title can be once attacked after he has been seated, no election will be safe, and the Pre- sidency will be disputed every Session, voters declaring, for example, that they have been bribed. So strong is the popular feeling, that the inquiry will probably be abandoned, after being held over the Republicans long enough to call public attention to the scandals of the last election.