1 JUNE 1878, page 1

The Times, The Telegraph, And The Pall Mall Gazette Have

all been stating this week that the Sultan now becomes an Asiatic sovereign, that he will be permanently threatened in Asia by Russian ambition, and that his dominions must be......

If This Account Is Correct, And Some Part Of It—particularly

the odd little clause about Kotour,—looks "inspired," the first emotion in the country will be one of intense surprise. What bave we been spending millions for, and violating......

Earl Russell Died At Pembroke Lodge, Richmond Park, On...

evening, at the age of eighty-six. He first entered Parliament in 1813, and has been a Member of the Legislature, therefore, for sixty-five years. He has held at various times......

Up To The Publication Of This Statement, Matters Looked...

worse than better. There were rumours on Satur- day of dissensions in the Cabinet, which caused a sort of panic on 'Change, and as they were officially denied on Sunday, moat......

There Has Been A Great Wrangle In The Papers About

Mr. Dillwyn's turning Mr. Roebuck out of his accustomed seat, in the debate of Thursday week,—the debate in which Mr. Roebuck said so many venomous things of the Liberals. Mr.......

News Of The Week T He Latest Rumour Is A Statement

in the Globe that the assembling of the Congress "is definitely settled," and that the Governments of England and Russia have agreed to support - the following programme :—There......

4 %* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In...
