Mr. S. Morley, M.p., In Writing To The Bristol Trades
Council last week, remarks that greatly as the Unions have benefitted the men, in bringing them to act unitedly and to consider their -own interests in common, they have done......
There Has Been A Great Hubbub In The Scottish Free
Kirk this week, about Professor Robertson Smith,—a young Aberdeen Professor of great learning, of extraordinary orthodoxy, and of no common abilities, whose case has been......
A Frightful Calamity Has Happened To One Of The Great
German ironclads in the Straits of Dover. We do not yet know whether it were to the Kiinig Wilhelm' or the 'Grosser Kurfiirst.' The latter (the Grosser Kurfiirst ') is a great......
There Was A Discussion In The House Of Lords On
Monday on the very stringent Bill for the stamping-out of cattle disease which has been introduced by the Duke of Richmond and Gordon into the House of Lords, but which is......
The School Board Of London Is Doing A Good Thing
in teaching girls to cook. One of the teachers is henceforth to give lessons in every Board School on food and its preparation, and the girls will be required to attend. And......
The Centenary Festival In Honour Of Voltaire Was Held In
Paris on Thursday at the Gaite Theatre. At the same time, an immense crowd was watching a demonstration in Notre Dame in honour of Joan of Arc, and in " reparation" for the sins......
The Times Of Wednesday Announces That Sir Joseph Whit- Worth
has invented armour-plating impenetrable to any missiles sow employed. This armour is composed of "fluid-compressed 'steel, and is built up in hexagonal sections, each of which......
It Seems The More Probable That The Censure Of Professor
Robertson Smith on Tuesday will, in some way or other, be reversed by the Assembly, because the result of the vote on the third count in the indictment against him, that......
The New Form Of The " Jingo " Rhyme Is
pithy and sententious :— -" We don't want to fight ; but by Jingo, if we do, We won't go to the front ourselves, but we'll send the mild Hindoo."......
A Telegram Of Sunday Last From Philadelphia Says That A
tornado -crossed a portion of Wisconsin on Thursday week which literally 'swept the wooden bull dings in its path-way before it, and 'carried on the debris of the houses for......