1 MARCH 1940, Page 14


UNDER the leafless arches Their bleeding faces move, Those whom dissatisfaction Inward and dreamward drove Haunt me, and I can hardly Hear through their broken cries, Hear through their broken whispers

The voice of the one I love.

The flies under the arches Are gorging upon fate And the cold lips of the dying Hour on hour create Whether with cries or whispers Survival after death, Recompense after death In the hot hearts of the great.

Capitol after capitol Re-echoes with the cries Of lives never completed. Victor on vanquished lies And pours his howling seed Deep into that dark hollow, L _ep into that dark ocean In which all wisdom dies.

Birds flow under the heavens, And seas over their bed, And the endless sea of history Flows over the dead While I wait in the useless city For the voice of the one I love, For the head of the one I love Beside my sleepless head.