1 MARCH 1940, page 15

* * I Experienced A Susan Volunteer On Friday Last

when from the Temple Gardens I watched the sailors swing along the Embankment, ' Ajax ' and `Exeter' flashed upon their caps. The crowds cheered, the steamers hooted, the......

The Truth Is That We Champions.of Peace And Order Find

ourselves in an intolerable logical dilemma. It is all very well for the hundred per cent. warrior, even as it is all very well for the hundred per cent. pacifist. The former......

An Almost Perfect Illustration Of What I Mean Is Provided

by the Altmark ' incident. I am among those who consider that in boarding the Altmark ' we were committing a flagrant violation of international law. Physically, I feel that in......

People And Things

HAROLD NICOLSON WHERE was an expression much in use among the intel- lectuals of the reign of good King Edward which to modern ears may seem fantastic and far-fetched. The ex-......

There Is, Of Course, No Single Formula By Which An

honest mind can reconcile the irreconcilable The warrior is con- sistent because he believes that war is a good thing. The pacifist is consistent because he believes that there......

Of Course I Had My Susan Volunteer. Nor Was This

the first occasion in the week when I had surrendered to patriotic rapture. I had read the account of the boarding of the Altmark ' with feelings of (and I use this stark word......

So Distressed Was I By This Conflict Between Reason And

emotion that I telephoned to a Socratic friend of mine who is .a member of the Peace Pledge Union. I told him of my emotions and he was much amused. He said that his own......