1 MARCH 1940, Page 15

An almost perfect illustration of what I mean is provided

by the Altmark ' incident. I am among those who consider that in boarding the Altmark ' we were committing a flagrant violation of international law. Physically, I feel that in the circumstances our action was necessary, and I have nothing but admiration for the manner in which it was accomplished. Yet our subsequent conduct in trying to Place the blame on Norway fills me with shame. It may be true that the Norwegians are not in the position fully to carry out their own neutral duties. Yet I regret deeply that a man like Lord Halifax, a man whom I ardently admire, should have scolded them angrily for this unfortunate dis- ability. Neither our Ministers nor our Press as a whole did anything like justice to the Norwegian case. It is true the Prime Minister's speech last Saturday and the Government statement issued on Monday improved matters considerably. But while I approve the boarding of the Altmark,' I deeply disapprove the mean excuses by which it was sought in the first instance to justify it.