1 MARCH 1940, page 6

Light On The Recent War Office Reforms Emerges From An

unexpected source. In Captain Liddell-Hart's autobio- graphy in the current Who's Who is included the following entry: " Collaborated with the War Minister, Mr. Hore- Belisha,......

From A French Source: " My Brother, Who Is A

naval captain, has always been rather anti-British. Since the Altmark ' incident, however, he has completely changed. He is full of praise for England, and has, moreover, now......

Erratum (pasted In): For Tennyson Read Keats.

A natural error. Tennyson almost made a corner in......

It Is A Mistake To Generalise From Particular Examples, But

I am afraid the recent experience of a large firm of whose affairs I have some knowledge is all too typical. The firm employs a number of messenger-boys, and has had to get rid......

In Its Crusade Against Good Music The B.b.c. Has Developed

a new technique. In the early weeks of the war it came near cutting out anything remotely approaching the classical altogether. Now, except for Symphony Concerts, it turns it on......

March, Hitler's Month, Has Arrived. For The Benefit Of Those

who attach importance to his habits it may be recalled that he went into the Rhineland on March 7th, 1936, in- vaded Austria on March 13th, 1938, and marched into......

Tide-page Of Lady Eleanor Smith's New Novel: " Never On

such a night have lovers met Since Merlin paid his Demon all the monstrous debt." TENNYSON.......

A Spectator's Notebook

I T is interesting to observe the part former members of the League of Nations Secretariat are playing today in the service of their different countries. Sir Arthur Salter is......

To Most People In This Country, I Suppose, Sir Hubert

Murray, who died on Tuesday as Governor of Papua some thirteen years after he had reached the retiring age, was primarily Professor Gilbert Murray's brother. Actually he was one......

Mr. Keynes's Plan

T is this grave difference between preparations 1 for the fighting services and for economic war— that in the one case the Government has at its disposal a Navy, Army and Air......