The dispute between the Porte and the Montenegrins. is not
over, and may become serious. The Sultan signed the decree conveying to Montenegro the ceded lands, and his Commander-in-Chief on the spot, Moukhtar Pasha, evacuated, them ; but the evacuation was so contrived,. that before the Montenegrins could arrive, the Albanians of the Albanian League—whose influence is extreme in Constantinople, they forming the body-guard of the Sultan— filled up the vacant positions. The Montenegrins were there- fore compelled either to wait or to attack the Albanian
League, and preferred the former alternative, sending in a protest, through Italy, to all the Powers. Moukhtar Pasha says he can do nothing without more troops ; and the Turkish Commander-in-Chief, Osman Pasha, says he has not the troops to spare. There is no doubt that the Albanians are a difficulty to the Sultan, as they would, if pro- voked, declare themselves an independent principality ; but there is no doubt, either, that the Porte encourages difficulties which tend to delay or prevent any cession of territory. Nothing will be done till England is fittingly represented at Constantinople.