Population And Representation. (to Tue Editor Of Tile "...
SIR,—I quite agree with your correspondent "11." that the question of the redistribution of seats is a most important one. But I think the inequalities Which exist in......
M. Renan On Moral Probation.
[To TILE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Will you permit a constant and sympathetic reader of your articles on the religious question, to say that the impres- sion derived by......
The Advantages Of Spectacles.
[To THE mama or THE "SPECTATOR."] am one of those unfortunate people who are obliged, through shortness of sight, to wear spectacles, and at the same time am extremely fond of......
"don Garcia In England."
(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Star—Your critic of my book takes exception to its title. "Don Garcia in England," he says in effect, is as great an absurdity as "Sir......
THE SOCIETY OF PAINTERS IN WATER-COLOURS. [FIRST NOTICE.] Tax main features of this exhibition, which is a good one, are such as usually distinguish the collections of the" Old......