Lord Beaconsfield And The Conservatives. Go The Editor Of...
" SPECTATOR.1 SIR,—It is satisfactory to have one's actions justified or accounted for by such a paper as the Spectator. " The cynical and cruel spirit displayed by the Prime......
(to The Editor Of The "spectator.")
Sin,—With reference to your note on University representa- tion, will you allow me to point out that it is the two smaller Universities in Scotland that are distinctly......
"don Garcia In England."
(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Star—Your critic of my book takes exception to its title. "Don Garcia in England," he says in effect, is as great an absurdity as "Sir......
University Conservatism And Liberalism. [to The Editor Of...
SPECTATOR.] Sin,—In the Spedator of last Saturday, attention is called to the fact that "all the Universities return Conservatives, exceFt- ing the University of London and the......