The Pall Mall, which has been telling us for we
do not know how long that the return of Mr. Gladstone to power would extinguish England in the councils of Europe, is now telling us that the change in the British Government is shaking all the States of Europe, though, of course, it means to imply that it is thus shaking them through the sudden loss of that confidence which they formerly felt in the help of Greaf, Britain. The Pall Mall now tells us that the phrase "inter national combinations" has suddenly come into vogue, and was unheard of two months ago. Why, it was more than two months ago, unless our memory greatly deceives us, that the Pall Mall was alarming us all with the gloomiest predic- tions in reference to the alleged force assembled by Russia on the borders of Germany, and warning Us that it would devolve upon England to determine whether there should or should not be a great European way i—und this before the Pall Mall had the least belief in the return of Mr. Gladstone to power. The political shock of the Elections has beau so great, that the Pall Mall's memory has suffered in consequence, as memories do sometimes softer after a sudden stroke on the nerves.