MR. CHURCHILL'S Budget, though it has a back- ground of gloomy financial conditions, has given us much more pleasure than we expected. It is a severely disciplined Budget showing hardly a trace of Mr. Churchill's former inclination towards adventure and speculation. Moreover, it is a " national " Budget, At a great many points its structure is interwoven with great political causes from which the people in their daily work can derive nothing but benefit. It shows no favouritism to any class ; it is democratic. If the Prime Minister had any lingering misgivings that the critics might have been right when they said that Mr. Churchill was a dangerous man for the Chancellorship of the Exchequer those misgivings must have been greatly relieved. The Budget admirably serves Mr. Baldwin's great purpose of putting in train a national policy which shall open a new industrial era of liberality, tolerance, comprehensiveness and consideration of one class for the other. With such a prospect' we may, indeed, feel hopeful. If only the coal dispute should be settled, we could all go full steam ahead towards the happier times which we can undoubtedly make our own if we are determined to have ihem.