Three Pet-theory Books
Notes and Queries on the Origin of British Israel. By gENERAL HICRSON'R book is quite readable, though he ride's his intellectual hobby for a fall. ' Not content with the......
Sense, Not •sensibility
Recollected in Tranquillity. By Janet E. Courtney, O.B.E. (Heinemann. 10s. 6d.) THERE is no sentimentality about Mrs. Courtney's recollections and the past, to her, does not......
The Quarterlies
Ix the Quarterly Review Mr. W. F. Watson writes an admir-' ably clear and well-expressed paper on What Ails the' Engineering Industry." He has been for twenty-five years ' a......
Mil. Bald Win's Addresses
On England and Other Addresses. By the Rt. Hon. Stanley - - Baldwin.. (P. Allan and Co. 12s. 6d.-nst.) TILE Prime Minister has consented to the publication of a: number of his......