One Of The Most Striking Iniptovements Of Recent Years In
Motor car ; engines - is their A - well-tubed engine of to-day, running at normal speed and with a good reServe of power in hand, emits scareelY. any -noise whatever. The......
1944. By The Earl Of Halsbury. (thornton Butterworth. 7s....
net.)—This is one of the numerous books published recently which are intended to convey a warning as to the need of preparing for the next world war. The catastrophe in 1944 is......
Lectures In London • Monday, May 3rd, 5.30 P.m.-la...
' D'HENRI, BERGSON ET L'ANCLETERRE. By Professor F. Delattre. King's College, Strand'.. • ; - • Tuesday, May 4th, 5.30 p.m.-Is THERE.T00 MUCH BROADCAST- ING ? By Miss Sheila......
Books -recommended Miscellaneous.-disarmament. By...
Press. 12s. 6d.)-Hints About In- vestments. By Hartley Withers. (Nash and Grayson. • 13s . .)-Pirst Essays on Advertising. By J. Murray Allison. (Cecil Palmer. 10s.......