LECTURES IN LONDON • Monday, May 3rd, 5.30 p.m.-LA PERSONNALITg
' D'HENRI, BERGSON ET L'ANCLETERRE. By Professor F. Delattre. King's
College, Strand'.. • ; - •
Tuesday, May 4th, 5.30 p.m.-Is THERE.T00 MUCH BROADCAST- ING ? By Miss Sheila Kaye-Smith and Capt. P. P. Eckersley. Chairman, Lord Riddell. The third of a series of lectures in aid of King Edward's Hospital Fund, in the- Great Hall of the London Schodrof _Economics, Houghton Street, Aldwych. Tickets may be obtained:. fintn the. Secretary, London -School of Economics. Thursdays, May Ilthand 13th, 5.0 p,m.-PROJECTS OF MONETARY REFORM. By Mr. D. H. Robertson. London School of Economics, Houghton Street, Aldwych. Friday, May 7th, 5.30 p.m.-CONTEMPORARY DATA FOR AESTHETICS. By Professor E. F. Carritt. Under the auspices of the British Institute of Philosophical Studies. At the Royal' Anthropological Institute, 52 Upper Bedford Place, W.C. 1. Animals' Welfare Week is being-obserVed this year from May 2nd to 8th. Arrangements are as follows : On Sunday, May 2nd, sermons will be preached in many churches. On Wednesday, May 5th, a conference is being arranged at the Essex Hall, Strand, when an Animals' Charter ' will be discussed. Lady Emily Lutyens will take the chair at 2.30 p.m. and Mrs. Baillie-Woaver will give an address on Humane Clothing. This will be illustrated from 3 to 4 o'clock by a Mannequin Parade. On Friday. May 7th, Mr. John Galsworthy,' the President of the National Council for Animals' Welfare Week, will broadcast " On Playing the Came, with Animeli and Birds" at 7.40 p.m. from London. On Saturday, May 8th, there will be a meeting for teachers in the Essex Hall at 10.30 a.m. The chair will be taken by Mr. C. G. Ammon, ,I.P 1101.P L.C.C. Admission will be free.