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Florentine Drawings of the Quattrocento. By H. S. Ede. Flemish Drawings of the 17th Century. By T. W. Muchall-Viebrook. (Benn. 18s. each.) The Contem- porary Ti eat e, 1925. By James Agate. (Chapman and Hall. 7s. 6c1.) HISTORY.-Independence Day. By Philip Guedalla. (Murray.
12s.) British Malaya, 1824-1867. By L. A. Mills. (Wheldon and Wesley.)-The Growth of the United States. By R. V. Harlow. (Cape. 30s.) ' A History of the English People, 1815-1830. By Elie Halevy. (T. Fisher Unwin.. 21s.)-A History of English Law. Vol. IX. By W..S. goldsworth, . (Methuen. 25s.) Cases on Constittitionat Law. 13Y B. A. 13icknell. (Oxford University Press: 7s. 6d.)-The Abbey of St. Gall. By J. M. 'Clark. (Cambridge Universit3r Press. 18s.) LITERATURE.-Sidonia the Sorceress. By William Meinhold.
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