Mr. Maclaren has written an excellent book for young cricketers,
The. Perfect Batsman, illustrating J. B. Hobbs in action by means of a series of cinema pictures, accompanied by expert and detailed explanations. If books could make batsmen we might all be Hobbs's. or Maclarens with this guide, for it is one of the most practical books we have seen (Cassell, 3s. 6d.). Wickets and Goals, by Mr. J. A. H. Casson (Chap- man and Hall, 15s.), is a delightful book of cricket and football reminiscences. The Links, by Robert Hunter (Scribners, 16s.), is a well-produced work on golf, dealing chiefly with the laying out of courses. The author is severe in his criticism of St. Andrews, North Berwick, and some of the American courses. We cannot venture an opinion on his views without further study, but the book is interesting and unusual.