IA Book Token for one guinea be awarded to the sender of the firs! correct 99 Gower Street, LOMIOtt, Envelopes must be received no! later Man first post Mug be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the whiner will be published in the following issue.] solution opened alter noon on Tuesday week, May 12th, addressed Crossword, that day and must bear the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 2W, stamp. Solutions
It's the spirit that keeps it going, (10.) 6, A tied bird. (4,) 10. It may be on the mat. (7.) 11. A mild upheaval with sonic sense of continuity. (5, 2.) 12. What the sheet of wood might have said. (5,) 13, A' tune in script. (9.) 14. Extract from the rhyming Arthurian legend. (5,) 16, " - underfoot with thousand gents." (Bridges,) (9.)
18. T.U.C. asleep ? Just surmise. (9,)
19. The past of a sitter 7 (5.) 21, Mischief may make them active. (4, 5.) 24. Double deity as statesman. (5.) 25, The hansom was this of London, said Disraeli. (7.) 26, Worn by a fool of Rioting's. (7.) 27. Cupid in flower. (4.) . 28. Catalogues of decorations they seem (10.)
1. College street. (7.) 2. Personal funds of the Q.C. 7 (4, 5.) 3. Henry James failed to complete this tower. (5.) 4, '1 his castle should be in Yorkshire, but Isn't. (5.)
5. Erie's gone. (snag.) (9,)
7. It offers you an anagram. (5.) 8. The dark fellow who makes some contact. (7.) 9.
17 18
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23 24 Let's cad for zi ch toga. (8.
He wrote " Hindle Wakes." (8.) Cerebral undulation. that's the idea. (5. 4.) He took a baby to Bohemia. (9.) Half a laugh, possibly front black men. (7.) How tine it must be to get through them I (7.) Fastenings sound like a quadruped as a matter of course. (5.) I broach the couch. (5.) " The noblest answer unto such is kindly silence when they (Tennyson.) (5.)