1 MAY 1953, page 26
The Judgment of Paris. By Gore Vidal. (Heinemann. 15s.) Frank Tilsley. (Eyre and The Passing of a Hero. By Jocelyn Bro Into the Labyrinth. By Francoise M 10s. 6d.) WHATEVER......
Croce's Masterpiece
Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic. By Benedetto Croce. Translated from the. Italian by Douglas Ainslie. (Vision Press and Peter Owen. 42s.) Tins reprint......
In Next Week's "spectator" D. W. Brogan Will Review The
second volume of "The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover"; Kenneth Muir "Shake- speare: His World and His Work" by M. M. Reese; Michael Oakeshott "Freedom : 'A New Analysis" by Maurice......