British Hospital In Aleppo
SIR,—The work that the Altounyan Hospital in Aleppo has done during the last half-century must be well known to many who have served or had interests in the Middle East. It has,......
• The Man 'who Was Robinson
was surprised to find Mr. Mallalieu still repeating the yarn that in 1902, when Rhodes joined Hirst for the last wicket at the Oval, the latter said—of the fifteen runs......
An African Lily
SIR,—Although one would, hesitate to cross swords with an expert like Col. Kirkbride, may I point oui that not all Liliaceae are of the Lilium genus. We do not speak of muscari......
Vie 6pettator, Aprit 30tb, 1833 Lord Palmerston Received...
residence in Carlton Gardens, on Monday, a deputation of working men, accompanied by the Reverend S. T. Bayley, Secretary of the Lord's Day Observance Society; who presented a......