What is an Amateur ?
In the programme of the Oxford and Cambridge sports this year there was an advertisement for starting blocks " made to the requirements of E. McDonald Bailey, Ltd." The Southern Committee of the Amateur Athletic Association this week announced that the advertisement infringed the Association's rules and that. McDonald Bailey would therefore be suspended sine die from amateur athletics. Unless the general committee, which is to hear an appeal on Saturday, reverses this decision the joint holder of the world 100 metres record will never again be able to'rurr in amateur athletics in this country, even if he is eventually reinstated. This would he sad for McDonald Bailey and sadder still for those who love to watch graceful running! But it is only one more example of the difficulties and anomalies which arise when efforts are made to maintain both rigid amateurism and high sporting efficiency in the modern world where athletes must earn their living as well as perform on the field. A cricketer may act as paid secretary of his county club and still remain an amateur. A golfer is still an amateur player although he spends his non-playing time selling golf clubs. An amateur tennis player may advertise the virtues of a particular tennis racket. McDonald Bailey himself is allowed to write paid articles on athletics. He is allowed to manage a firm dealing in sports goods. But he must not allow that firm to advertise under its trade name. It is all certainly very puzzling. It is probably very silly.