TI4E French Ministry is again without a nominal Premier. Mar- shal GERARD has resigned, in consequence of his inability to pro- cure an amnesty for political offences. Various rumours as to his probable successor are afloat ; and the names of the Duke DE BRO- GLIE and Admiral DE RicIlY are mentioned among those likely to be called upon. The qualifications requisite for a French President of the Council are such as ought not to be scarce. Superior talents, habits of industry, and readiness in debate, are not indispensable. But the character of some of the most influential of the Ministers even for common honesty is so extremely low, that it is essential to have a Premier who is not suspected of stockjobbing, or falsification of despatches, and whose reputation for probity may offer some gua- rantee to the country against the notorious knavery of his col- leagues. But men of this stamp are naturally unwilling to risk the loss of character which must be almost inseparable from a connexion with some of the most prominent members of Louts PHILIP'S Cabinet ; and hence arises the difficulty of finding a successor to Marshal GERARD. In this state of affairs, the King, it is supposed, will be guided in a great measure by the advice of TALLEYRAND, who has been residing at his seat of Valeneay ; and is generally not far distant when a Ministry is to be patched up.