Jerrold's Admirable Drama The Rent Day, With Wrlxii.'s...
tures of that subject and the " Distress for Rent" animated, is played at the Victoria. It is extremly well ease ELTON personates Martin Heywood, and Mrs. SELBY his wife, with......
Serle's New Drama Of The Widow Queen Having - Been Put In
abeyance for a short time by the illness of 11Irs. WAYLETT, PEAK L'S popular and cleyer piece The Climbing Boy has been substituted for it. A hit at the legislatorial folly of......
Vestris Brought Out Lust Week A New Burletta Called The
Retort courteous ; the main object of which is to show up a certain foreign Count, who was the hero of a former piece. However conspicuous in his fopperies this gentleman may......
The Theatres.
THE long-talked-of stage version of Manfred was brought out at last on Wednesday, at Covent Garden Theatre ; and a most elaborate failure it has turned out. We had the curiosity......
Mr. Bentham And The Westminster Review
TO THE EDITOR OF THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW. 23d October me SIR—The Westminster Review, you know, was established with Mr. BENTHAM'S money; for several years it was written by his......