JERROLD'S admirable drama The Rent Day, with WrLxii.'s two pie.
tures of that subject and the " Distress for Rent" animated, is played at the Victoria. It is extremly well ease ELTON personates Martin Heywood, and Mrs. SELBY his wife, with genuine feeling. There is nailing of the stage hero and heroine in either : it is true natural act- ing. We liked them better than WALLACE and Miss PHILLIPS, for this reason. H. WALLACE'S Silver Jack is a perfect portrait of a New- gate-hero, a swell-mob exquisite of the last age. His vulgar cox- cornbry, and slang gentility of dress and manner, are capital ; and he humours the part without overacting it. MITCHELL, as Bullfrog the broker, was most amusing. FORRESTER was positively lively and natural ; and Miss P. Iloarost was a pretty Polly Briggs. The interest of the Rent-Day made us quite forget the melo-dramatic absurdities of Zameo, or the White Warrior, which the bills tell us is the first production of a lady who is called" Medora Bviune." The piece is worthy of the humbug. We could only make out that a party of Indians resolve to murder a white man, being set on by a female who then sets her wits to work to save their victim. Four posturers disgusted the intelligent portion of the audience, and horrified the rest, by their contortions and feats of strength : they went through theirs, as the juggler did his, before the glass curtain ;_ which thus, if the pun may be allowed, cast a reflection on the taste of the audience.
The scene of the Burning of the Houses of Parliament, here, is much better than the toy-like display at the Adelphi; but both are puerile and ineffective.