From The London Gazettes. Tuesday, October 28.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVID. nirst and Skilheek. Iladdersfield, cloth finiehers-J. and II. Barnes. Faversham. boy- men -J., J., anal It. Davies, Bristol. woollen-drapers- Turner and......
The Army.
WAR-arms. Oct. 31.-16th Regt. of Light Drags.-Lieut. P. T. Robinson to be Capt. by purchase. vice Browne. who retires ; Cornet W. S. O'Grady , to be Lieut, by purchase, vice......
Prices Current.
BUTCHERS' MEAT. SMITHFIELD. FRIDAY, OCTOBER al. The market generally is excessively dull, with a decline both in mutton and veal- the former 24. and the latter full 64. per......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 26th ult.. the Lady of the Rev. SANUEL LYSONs, Rector of Rodmarton, of a daughter. On the 29th ult., in York Terrace, Regent's Park, the Lady of C. D. Aactuoaux......