1 NOVEMBER 1834, Page 21

FROM THE LONDON GAZETTES. Tuesday, October 28.


nirst and Skilheek. Iladdersfield, cloth finiehers-J. and II. Barnes. Faversham. boy- men -J., J., anal It. Davies, Bristol. woollen-drapers- Turner and Co. Pernambuco, examission-aeents -Macguire and Mehl*, Oxford Street, tailors - J. and T. Agutter. Deptford, fellmongers - Richards and Co. Pyle Iron Company ; as far as regards Richards- Lister and Jordan. Leeds, linendrapers- Atherton and Co. Eccleston, brewers-Ilinekesman and Astier, Peckham, schoolmistresses -J. and R. Green. Not- tingham, victuallers-Pinkardlon and Co. Liverpool burr-dealers-Joliffe and Routh, Austinfriars, winamerchants -Becket t and Co. Liverpool. passenger-brokers-Williams me Thompson. Regent Street, shawl.warehousemeu-Eastman and Wrangham, Turn- wheel Lane. spice-dealere-Macfarlane and Byers. Glasgow, clothiers.


Bove Ote, MARTHA E1,TZABE7II, Bideford, dealer and chapwoman, Oct. 27.

COOK. Jotue. Bexley, miller, Oct. 27.

Jews, HORATIO, Poultry, chinaman, Oct. 29.


Hamm RICHARD, Woottoo-under-Edge, bookbinder, to surrender Nov. 11, Dec. 3: solicitors, Mr. Dyer, Wootton-under-Edge; and Mr. Van Sundae, Old Jewry. CRANE. FREDERICK CHARLES, Upper Bedford Place, Russell Square, surgeon, Nov. 8,Dec. 9: solicitor, Mr. Cheesewright, Birchin Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Suite:hall Street. DE PINNER, JOSHUA SARPATA. Bucklershury. feather-broker, Nov. 10, Dec. 9: soli- aim, Mr. Gates. Lime Street: offieial assignee, Mr. Green, King's Arms Yard. fiATENBY, ROBERT. Shadwell, grocer, Oct. 31 DEC. 9: solicitors. Messrs. Templer eel Shearman, Great Tower Street ; official assignee, Mr. Abbott, King's Arms Yard. HARRIs DANIEL, Strand, hosier, Nov. 8, Dec. 9; solicitor, Mr. Garrard, Suffolk Street. Pall Mall East ; official assignee. Mr. Green, King's Arms Yard.

JONE9, THOMAS MEREDITH, Birmingham, retail brewer, Nov. 12. Dec. 9: solicitors, Mr. Harrison. Birmingham: and. Messrs. Norton and Chaplin. Gray's Inn Square. PRIK3r1EY, THOMAS. Halifax, woolstaplee Nov. 7, Dec.9: solicitors, Mr. Mitchell, Halifax ; anal Messrs. Jaques anal Co. Barnard's UHL PI6K, Jorma BEAKS, Market Drayton. Shropshire, tanner, Nov. 7, Dec. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Hyatt and Harvey, Newcastle-under Lyme ; and Mr. Wilson, Temple. Peossea. THOMAS. Coleshill, .Warwickshire. draper, Nov. II. Dec. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Benson and Suckling. Birmingham ; and Mr. Chilton. Chancery Lane. SKINNER, ROBERT, Exmouth, baker, Nov. 14, Dec. 9; solicitors, Mr. Warren, Exeter; and Messrs. Cleaves and Co. Temple.

SHAW, JONATHAN, Great Driffield, Yorkshire, corn-factor, Nov. 4. Dec. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Scotchburn and Shepherd. Great Driffield ; and Messrs. Walmsley and Co. Chancery Lane.

Semi, Joni WATSON, North Shields, shipowner, Nov. 18. Dec. 9: solicitors, Mr. Wilson, Newcastlempoo-Tyne: and Messrs. Dunn and Dobie, Gray's Inn.


Nov. 19, Shea. Dowgate Hill. merchant-Nov. 20, Rankin, Martin's Lane, Cannon Street, merchant-Nov. 13. Dunster Court. Mincing Lane. merchant-Nov. 11, Hole, Brixton, victualler-Nov. 21. James. Birmingham, pork-butcher-Dec. 18, Lard J. Mautield,' Tiers% millers-Nov. 29. Perkins, Reading. coraimerchant -Nov. II, Wailer, Hightown, Yorkshire, leather-dealer-Nov. 18, Collard, Liverpool. merchant.


To be ranted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Nov. 18. Durrant, 'midfield, Sussex, brewer-Vaudrey, Manchester, rectifier-Bach, Liverpool. iraleeper-Corp, Great Tower Street, carpenter-Williams, East Retford spirit-mer-

chant-Winn. Birmingham, blank tray-maker-Tronsou. Liverpool, merchant -Hallam. el Co Nottingham, builders-Hopkins. Marston Bigott, Somersetabire, miller.


RAE. iANNrrr anal CHARLOTTS, milliners, Edinburgh, Oct. 31, Nov. 15. RMIDERSON, JOHN, Stanley. draper, Nov. 4,19.

Friday, October 31.


Dorset and Love, Monnt Row, New Kent Road, butchers-M. and C. S Newman, Pore Street, Cripplegate-Dresser and Taylor. Tooley Street. provieion-merchants- hewn and Kenner'. Watling Street, warehousemen-Lonsdale and Mills. New Bond Surd, music. sellers-Keenay and Owen, St. Ilelena Place, Spaaelds, pianoforte- /rakers-Myth and Co. Upper Thames Street, feather dressers -Griffith and Fargo- knee, Tottenham Court Road, surgeons-Holiday anal Grundy. Preston. machine- °Arra-Smith and Riley, Great Distaff Lane, silk-handkerchief warehousemen- Blundell and Co. Southport, Lancashire, confectioners-Brown and Dunham, Tettershall, Lincolnshire, drapers.


/Loom Some, Pemberton. woollen-draper, to surrender Nov. 20. Dec.12 : solicitors. Ir. Gasket', Wigan; and Messrs. Adlington, and Co. Bedford Row.

Coos, burr Southmolton Street, Whir, Nov. 7, Dec. 12: solicitor. Mr. Bell, Vine Street, Regent Street ; official assignee, Mr. Goldsmid, Basinghall Street. FLAIMAN, ROBERT. Fetter Lane, carpenter. Nov. 7, Dec. 12: solicitor. Mr. Devey- Dorset Street, Fleet Street ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. hose, ISAAC JOSEPH BENJAMIN, Topsham. Devonshire, shipowner, Nov. 12, Dec. 12: solicitor, Mr. Williams, Alfred Place, Bedford Square. JANES, WILLIAM. Bath, soap boiler. _Nov, 15, Dec. 12: solicitors, Mr. Hellings, Bath; and Mr. Mantle, Great Sorry Street. LentAte, T11014AS, Liverpool, innkeeper, Nov. 11. Dec.12 : solicitors, Mr. Mawdsley, Liserpool ; and Messrs. Adlington, and Co. Bedford Row.

Lzwia, THOMAS Ronnie, Tunbridge Place. New Road, wine-merchant, Nov. 13. Dec. 12: solicitors, Messrs. Blunt and Co. Liverpool Street; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basingliall Street.

Weil), bream Rathbone Place. hoeier. Nov. 7, Dec. 12: solicitor, Mr. Whitelock, Allermaubury; official assignee, Mr. Abbott, King's Arms Yard.


20, J. anal W. Jackson, Strand, stationers-Nov. 21, Brady, Kingston-upon' 'sines, grocer-Nov. 21, Thorn, Southend, victualler-Nov. 20, Day, Crooked Lane, oil-brolter-Nov. 21; IS: and T. So eetapple. itiodalming, piper manufacturers -Nov. Stl, Shepherd, Strand, silversmith-Nov. 21, Isaac. Charlotte Street. Fitzroy Square, musical. iustrurnenLmaker -Nov. 21. G. and C. Coles, Mincing Lane. brokers-Nov. 26, Vi ebster, Lancaster, scrivener-Nov. 25, Fenwick, Stella, Durham. woo-founder- Nov. 24, Brunton, Southwick, Dnrham. Shipbuilder-Nov. 97, Junes. Abergavenoy. 14*o-draper-Nov. 26. Merry junior, Norwich. corn-merchant-Now 27, J., W., and T. BoassIn, Bristol. plumbers-Nov. 27, Amplilett. Worcester, druggist-Nov. 24. Duncan, Halifax, cloth-merchant-Nov. 251, Thomas. Liverpool. merchant-Nov. 27. It. and It. Butterworth. Rochdale, cotton-spinners-Nov. 27. Waters and Co., Canner- there bankers. CERTIFICATES Ti, be enzated, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before Nov. 21. Walker. Wellington. Shropshire. mercer-Drinkwater. Liverpool. coal merchant - Goren. Orchard Street, Portman Square, scrivener.


Moarom, JOHN, Kilmarnock, grocer, Nev. 5. 19.