A well-informed correspondent assures us that Dr. ALLEN, the Bishop
of Bristol, may be considered as an acquisition to the small Liberal party in the House of Peers. Dr. ALLEN, it seems was tutor to Sir HENRY PARNELL, at Trinity College, Cambridge, before he undertook to instruct Lord ALTHORP. He used to make Sir HENRY study ADAM Satan chapter by chapter, page by page; and thus kid the foundation for that acquaintance with political economy which distinguishes the Member for Dundee. All this is very well, and we are glad to hear it. We hope that Dr. ALLEN'S conduct in the House of Peers will justify our correspondent's anticipations ; and that although an unscrupulous pluralist himself, be will strive to prevent pluralism and non-residence in others. It was not so much to Dr. ALLEN personally that we objected, as to the system of promoting to the highest places in the Church, men who had been notoriously guilty of practices they would soon be called upon to put a stop to.