The prospect of a further improvement in the Consol market, of which the operations of last week gave promise, has been realized ; and the improvement u price, though not exceeding per cent., has, from the previous state of inac- tivity, become the more remarkable. Soule very extensive sales of Consols oc- curred on Monday and Tuesday ; occasioned by the necessity which arose for sane of the speculative holders of the Stock, who had pledged it with the Bank of England, providing means to repay the advances made upon it by that cor- poration: but the effect which these operations would otherwise have produced, vas neutralized by some extensive purchases for money. It is understood that the Scotch Banking Companies are again investing, and the sum purchased on their account is said to have been very large. The demand for Stock for imme- thate delivery has been very great in the 3i per Cents. and Consols, both of which have been at the same price for Money and Account. The scarcity of the 31 per Cents, still continues ; but the Consol market was supplied to-day with liege amount of Stock, and the price for Account is now per cent, higher than that for Money Spanish and Portuguese Stock have been the 'principal objects of attraction in the Foreign Market : the fluctuations in both have been so a very extensive scale. The late proceedings of the two Houses of Legislature at Madrid, by opening anew the consideration of the acknowledgment of the fortes Debts, have inspired the holders of these Securities with the hopes that the recognition will ultimately be effected on better terms than those now pro- Posed. The Stock has consequently risen, and closes this afternoon at 56i 57. The Portuguese Regency Stock has risen nearly 5 per cent, in price. Ar- rolements are, it is stated, in progress, by which the Brazilian Government cut be enabled to liquidate the large claim now existing against it for the Divi- thuds of the old Portuguese Bonds, which, by the treaty of separation between the two countries, it was bound to provide, but which continued in arrear till the success of Don PEDRO enabled him to provide for them from other sources, tod have since been paid entirely by the Portuguese Government. The receipt of E4 large a sum will add materially to the 5nancial resources of Portugal ; and hence the rise in the Stock which has occurred. The intelligence has not pro. heed any effect on Brazilian Bonds ; which have not vaned in price. The South American Stocks are rather lower ; but transactions in them have been few. The advices received by the Imperial Brazilian Alining Company are ifs more favourable nature than was anticipated : a rise of nearly 4/. a share hit taken place in consequence. The other Shares, with the exception of the Columbian, still continue depressed.
To-day being a holyday at the Bank, the business of the morning has been lia.important. Most of the English and Foreign Stocks are at yesterday's Prices. Some few transactions have occurred in Portuguese Stock, which is still looking up.
Per Cent. Consols 911 Dutch 24 per Cents 524 4
hittu for Account 9i 1 French 3 per Cents —
Ne. 3i per Cent. Annuities. 1001 4 Greek Omuium. 5 per Cents — Bank Stock — Mexican 6 per Cents '41 4
India Stock — Portuguese 6 per Cents
Exchequer Bills. 41 43 Do.RegeneyStock.5perCent. 87* * Belgian 5 per Cents 99 4 Prussian (1818) 5 per Cent.. — Eraxilian 5 perrents. ex. der 774 77' Russian (1822)5 per Cent... 106 * Lamish 3 per Cents. ex. dlr — Spanish (181105 per Cent... 574 f