SAINT JOAN. By Bernard Shaw. (Constable. £5 5s. net.) THOUGH
we recently reviewed Mr. Bernard Shaw's Saint Joan at full length, we cannot resist the temptation to put up a signpost to the folio edition of the play just published by Messrs. Constable. It has a noble page and the print is admirable in its clearness and distinction. The paper also demands commendation. The illustrations in colour consist of the drawings for the stage setting and sketches made by Mr. Charles Ricketts. They are most pleasant reminders of one of the most delightful things in the presentation of the play—the magnificence and fascination of the colour schemes. There has seldom been anything more beautiful in the way of costume seen on the English stage. Whether the dresses are correct from the antiquarian point of view we neither know nor care. The great thing is that they are beautiful, harmonious, and fit the characters and the words. The play has so many admirers that we do not doubt that the new volume will have many purchasers.