The Cat In History.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Every cat-lover must be in your debt for your delightful allusion in your book, The River of Life (Hodder and - Stoughton), to the......
Links With The Past—the '45.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] . SIR,—It may interest your readers to know that there is yet alive one who had the story of the '45 from an eye-witness. My aunt, aged......
Know Thyself.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sus, — In The Best of Matthew Arnold's Prose, edited by Mr. D. C. Somervell, and in the opening essay, Sweetness and Light, on page 24, I find......
Jenny Lind And England.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Would you be kind enough to permit me to ask any amongst your readers who heard Jenny Lind sing to be so very good as to write to me here......
Extracts From Letters.
TALKING AT CONCERTS.—MP. R. J. BUITOW, Central House,, 48 Kingsway, W.C. 2, writes :—I should like to ascertain through your columns what remedy, if any, there is for the......
FAT CATTLE IN TRUCKS NEAR THE FAIRFIELD CRANE (GLASGOW). I HOPE the sun will shine to-day To put this dreariness in tune. Shine, Sun, and flash the grey away I hope the sun......