There Is An Excellent Prospect Now That With A More
stable Government ahead there will be a real revival of trade. May it come, and may it come quickly ! Con- fidence and a settled feeling can work miracles. We have written in......
The Balancing Voters Who Have Swung Across From...
Labour to Unionism have no doubt been moved by the appalling record of the Government during the past few weeks. We venture to think that two months ago, when the Prime Minister......
We Particularly Regret The Defeat Of Mr. Asquith. Among The
other defeated Liberals were Mr. Masten - Ilan, Mrs. Wintringham, Mr. Pringle, General Seely, and Dr. Macnamara. We regret also the disappearance of Mr. E. D. Simon, whose fresh......
Liberals Explain Their Failure By Saying That The Issue Of
Free Trade and Protection was not sufficiently emphasized in speeches, or, at all events, was not sufficiently considered by the electors. We fancy, however, that the old......
News Of The Week.
T HERE is no ambiguity about the verdict of the nation at the General Election. It is agreed on all sides that the polling was exceptionally heavy. The overwhelming Unionist......
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