The Viceroy of India and Lord Lytton, not before events
had compelled them, have taken energetic action towards suppressing conspiracy and assassination in Bengal. More than fifty well-known Swarajists, including Mr. Subhas Bose, have been arrested in Calcutta. It was stated by Lord Lytton that since the beginning of July no fewer than five attempts have been made to murder police officers, and that the revolutionaries have been manufac- turing a new type of bomb. Under the new Ordinance trials for conspiracy can be conducted by three qualified commissioners instead of being heard before a jury. Of course, the revolutionaries and their friends will denounce all this as tyranny and, as usual, the voices of the millions whose lives and interests will be protected by the preservation of law and order will be unheard. This inevitable prospect, however, could not possibly be made an excuse for inaction.
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