MILITARY Hoxorns.—The Gazette of Tuesday announces that the Xing has
nominated tins following officers to be Companions of the Bath: Capt. It Corry, of the Royal Navy ; Capt. the Hon. F. P. Irby, of the Royal Navy. Capt. D. Woodritl, of the Royal Navy; Capt. J. sounders, of the Royal. Navy; Capt. the Hon. G. Eliot, of the Royal Navy t Capt. II. Pigot, of tile Royal Navy; Capt S. P. Humphreys, of the Royal Navy ; Capt. J. Tower, of the Royal Navy ; Cupt. Rennah, of the Royal Navy; Coot. W. P. Cumby, of the Royal Navy ; Capt. the Eon. J. Percy, of the Royal Navy ; Capt. A. King, of the Ito at Navy ; Col. Payne, hall. pay of Hompe ch's Rifles; Col. C. Nicol, Grith Foot ; II. King, half pay Sod Foot ; Col. P. It. Tracker:1y, Royal Engineers ; Cot. J. B. Saviear, Royal Mal lea., Cu!. J. F. l'ireli, Royal E itei rears ; Col. H. Phillotr, Royal Artil- lery; Col II. l'.PI'leverty. Royal Marines; Cul.W. Erskine, Bra ishipv'sLievy ; Col. the Hon. I Stanhope, half-pay Unattached ; Col. J. Grey, half-pay fith Foot ; Col. Sir H. Watson, Knight. half-pay Porttemese Service ; Col. C. A. .:'Court, half-pay 1st Greek Licht Infantry; Col. C. W. l'asley, Royal Engineers; Col. J. Gillies, half-pay -10th Fout; Col. H. C. E. V. Graham, halapay Uoatutehed ; Col. Sir R. J. ilarve!., half-pay Porthattese Service: Col. It. Wailer, As act. Quar- termaster-Gen.; Col. A. Thomsea, halapay !kith Foot; Col. J. Duffy, haiapay Un- attached ; Col. J. Topsoil, nth Foot ; Col. W. A. Gordon. imif-pay 9hth Foot; Col. Lard G. W. Russell, half-pay Unattached ; Cul. J. Fergassua, 52nd Foot ; Col. A. Creagh, 81st Foot ; Col. R. Pym, Royal Artillery ; Cot. A. Campbell, 46th Foot taeut.-Col. R. Gobbles, half-pay 14th Foot ; List. Col. T. H. Blair, half-pay Unattached ; Lieut.-Col. It. Lisle, half-pay I:1th Draimons ; W. G. Power, Royal Artillery ; Lieut.-Col. W. Balvaitd, half-pay Unattached ; Lieut.-Col. J. Macdonald, 92nd Foot; Lieut.-Col. E. Faushawe, Royal Engineers; Lieut-Col. W. C. Setae, half-pay Sith Foot; Lieut:Col. E. Lawrence, Royal Ma- rines; Lient,Col. W.C.E. Holloway, Royal Engineers; Lieut.-Cup. C. S. Camp- bell, 1st Foot ; Lieut.-Col. G. Turner, Royal Artillery ; T. A. Brandreth, Royal Artillery; Licht.-Cal. P. Campbell, half-pay 52nd Foot ; Lieut.-Col. J. Bogle, half-pay Unattached; Lieut.-Col. J. Michell, Royal Artillery ; Lieut.-Col. E. C. Whinyates, Royal Artillery; Maj. Sir J. S. Lillie, Knight, half-pay 31st Foot; Maj. T. A. Parke, Royal Marines.; Maj. H. R. Gore, 80th Foot.
And the following officers in the East India Company's service to be Knights Commanders of the Bath:
Maj.-Gen. A. Knox, of the Bengal Infantry; Maj.-Gen. J. W. Adams, C.B. of the Bengal Infantry ; Maj.-Gen. H. Worsley, C.B. of the Beneal Infantry; Maj.- Gen. H. S. Scott, C.B. of the Madras Infantry; Maj.-Gen. It. Scott, C.B. of the Madras Infantry ; Maj.-Gen. A. BPDowall, C.B. of the Madras Infantry. His Ma- jesty has also been pleased to nominate and appoint the following °dicers, in the service of the East India Company, to be Companions of the said most Honourable Military Order:—Col. J. Rose, of the Bengal Infantry ; Col. G. Pennington, of the Bengal Artillery ; Col. J. D. Greenhill, of the Madras Infantry ; Cul. J. Dove- ton, of the Madras Cavalry; Col. F. Hagley Pierce, of the Bombay Artillery; Colonel Robert Pitman, of the Bengal Infantry; Colonel Hastings Belly, of the Madras Infantry ; Colonel John Mayne, of the Bombay Infantry; Col. W. C. Faithful, of the Bengal Infantry ; Lieut.-Col. F W. Wilson, of the :Ma- dras Infantry ; Lieut.-Cal. A. Lindsey, of the Bengal Artillery ; a T. Roberts, of the Bengal Cavalry; Lieut.-Col. J. Caulfield, of the Bengal Cavalry ; Lieut.-Col. R. Tickcll, of the Bengal Engineers; Lieut.-Cal C. Fitleerald, of the Bengal Cavalry ; S. Hu he=, of the Bombay Infantry ; ijeut.-Col. R. Smith, of the Bengal FAighwers ; Maim- A. Mattson, of the Bombay Artillery ; Major J. N. kirl;:an, of the Ilvniral Infantry ; Major A. Irvine, of the Ilemail Engineers.
The I iaghascnnferrod the honeur of knighthood uponCulonel Michael M'Creagh, of the 13th Light Infantry.