The Author Of Spain In 1830, And Other Books Of
travels, whom we have had frequent occasion to treat with respect, has been brought into the field of politics by the interest which every man of intellect and intelligence must......
The Annual Register For 1830 Is A Continuation Of A
" series" or " library" of the old school : it boasts seventy-two volumes, being consequently commenced in the year 1758. It perseveres in its original plan, and amidst changes......
New Books.
riCTION, The Smuggler. By the Author of "Tales of the O'Hara Family" 3 vols. HISTORY. Annual Register for 1830 ....... . POLITICS, The Present Political Crisis, and its Causes.......
The Second Volume Of The Preacher Contains Fifty-four...
by clergymen of celebrity of the present day. There are upwards of forty contributors to this volume. The sermons are not printed from short-hand notes taken in the church ; a......
Dr. Cooper's Lectures On The Elements Of Political...
an importation from the United States. The author is the Pre- sident of the South Carolina College, and Professor of Chemistry and Political Economy. As well as the examination......