Merlet's Traducteur Is A Selection Of Passages From...
adapted to the purposes of the learner. The ext racts are undoubtedly made with judgment, and make even a very pleasant book of miscellaneous reading. There arc also grammatical......
Mathematical Science.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. SIR—Observing in the Spectator of last Saturday, under the notice you have taken of Mr. YOUNG'S Elements of the Inlvv . al Calculus, that no......
By Means Of Oliver And Boyd's Batch Of Catechisms, Tolerably
copious instruction may be obtained in Latin, French, and Eng- lish Grammar, English Composition, Christian Instruction, Zoology, the History of England and Scotland, the Works......
Egypt And Palestine Form The Subjects Of The Two Last
volumes of the Edinburgh Cabinet Library. They are compilations, by Dr. RUSSELL, of every description of knowledge—History, Geo- graphy, Antiquities—that relates to these two......
. The Literary Guardian Is A New Weekly Paper Of
reviews—mu- sical, literary, and theatrical—price twopence. It is decently printed on ordinary paper ; the size is quarto, and the number of pages sixteen. With regard to the......
The Second Volume Of The Preacher Contains Fifty-four...
by clergymen of celebrity of the present day. There are upwards of forty contributors to this volume. The sermons are not printed from short-hand notes taken in the church ; a......
Fine Arts.
GEORGE CRUIKSHANK in his Illustrations of the " Novelist's Library," succeeds in giving effect to the broad humour of the story, without cari- cature, and with only a due......
Reform Versus Riot.
TO TEE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Glasgow, 24th September 1831. Sta—In reference to the letter in your last week's paper as to the Scotch Election Riots, I feel impelled to make a......