. The Literary Guardian is a new weekly paper of
reviews—mu- sical, literary, and theatrical—price twopence. It is decently printed on ordinary paper ; the size is quarto, and the number of pages sixteen. With regard to the extraordinary lowness of the price, we have only to say, that it behoves other publications of . a similar nature, sold at fourpence, eightpence, or a shilling, to be twice, four times, or six times as good. Whether they are so, or will remain so, cannot be settled by a first number of the new pe- riodical. There is some humour in the introduction to the Lite- rary Guardian : it represents the work as conducted by Messrs. Bookworm, Glowworm, and Silkworm, who quarrel about the prospectus, and proceed to a fracas, during which much of the materials prepared are destroyed ; the printer's devil is thus re- duced to scramble for what he can get, and this turns out to be fragments.