THE LONDON THEarans.—The winter campaign is on the eve of
com- mencement. The two great powers, the managers of Drury Lane and Covent Garden, take the field, the one to-night, the ether on Monday, with their massy battalions. VESTRIS, the modern Cleopatra, with LISTON as her Anthony, leads the van with the light troops ; and the Adelphi, MATHEWS, YATES, and REEVE, bring up the rear. But to drop our martial metaphor. At Covent Garden, l'oeNG com- mences his last season, with Hamlet, as the first of the series of his favourite characters. In addition to Miss INVERARITY and WILSON, BRAHAM is engaged; so that the opera company will be in great strength. Drury Lane opens with the Honeymoon ; in the cast of which we notice three first appearances,—Mr. JONES, from Edinburgh, as Rolando; Mrs. BRUDENELL, also from Edinburgh, as Violante ; Miss KENNETH, from Dublin, as Zamora.
The Adelphi, no longer the English Opera, will be itself again on Mon- day; it commences the season with a nautical and magical melodrama called the Sea Serpent, "or the Wia.aal of the Winds !" Mr. ARNOLD has not much reason to complain of the season altogether ; the success of the 'Evil Eye has rendered the latter part profitable. It is said that MaTnaws and YATES have bought it—they- have an cue both to their own advantage and public amusement. The Haymarket continues ofion Liar a fortnight longer. KEAN played Lear very finely on Monday ; and Othellu on Wednesday, in a manner which we believe never was equalled by any other actor : he will con- tinue to perform till the Haymarket crises; but he has not, at present, an engagement for any other London theatre. Madame VESTRIS has redecorated her 0. Pavilion,”:in a style most appropriate to its title,—airy and tasteful. Flying Cupids support a light crimson drapery by wreaths of flowers, to form a ceiling; and. the fronts of the boxes are ornamented in pannels with a series of designs from Banrot.ozat, of groups of Cupids, interspersed with wreaths of flowers and arabesque in colours, on a white ;round, relieved with gold. If the " graces" form any proportion to the "loves," the Theatre de . Illadame will be unrivalled in its attractions. This style of decoration is as elegant and appropriate as it is ; and is susceptible of great variety of design and combination of e.;hair. The linitazs of the boxes area rich crimson, which adds great value to the light and fanciful ap- pearance of their exterior. There is also a new drop-se:Ate ; and thegreex curtain, instead of falling from the top, and presenting a flat surface, hangs in folds, is divided in the centre, and closes and draws apart like our modern window-curtains. .
iI'JOR IT v.
Brabazon, Viscount Grattan, 11.
Brayer, T. Grattan, I. Briscoe, J. J. Greene, 'P. G.
Brougham, J. Grosvenor, Lord Brown, J. D. Guise, Sir B. W.
Browne, D. Gurney, IL H.
Brownlow, C. Handley, W. F.
Buck, L. Harcourt, G. V. Bnikeley, Sir R. W. Harvey, D. W. Boiler, J. W. Hawkins, J. II. Bolwer, E. L. Heathcote, G. J. Bulwer, H. L. Heneage, G. F. Banbury, Sir H. E. Heron, Sir it. Burdett, Sir F. Hey wood, B.
Bate, Sir J. Hill, Lord A.
Burrell. Sir C. Hill, Lord G.
Cavendish, C. C. Hughes, W. H. Cavendish, II. F. C. Home, J.
Chapman, M. L. Hunt, H. Chaytor, W. R. C. Hutchinson, J. IL
Adorn, Admiral C. Acheson, Viscount A deane, H. J. Agnew, Sir A. Althorn, Vi,,onot Anson, Sir G. Anson, Hon. G. Ailey, Sir J. Atherley, A. Boillie, .5. E. Bainbridge, E. T. Barham, J. Baring, Sir T. Baring, F. T. Bartlett, C. J. Bayntun, Capt. Belfast, Earl of Belgrave, Earl of senett, J. Bentiock, Lord G.
Don, O'Conor Doyle, Sir J. M. Doncombe, T. S. Hondas, C. 'hunks, Ron. T. Burton, H. Buxton, T. F. Itycs,, G. Colcroft, G. H. Calvert, C. Calvert. N. Colley, T. Callayhan, D. Campbell, H. F. Campbell. J. Canning, Sir S. Carter, J. B. Hondas, Um Sir R.L.Lefc..-1-e, C. S. Dunda., lion. J. C. Lemon, Sir C.
Fosthope, J. Ltt.n.nzi, T. B. Ehringt on, Viscount Len:lox, Lord J. G.
Ellice, E. Lennox, Lord W.
Ellis, \V. Leanne, Lord A.
Et wall, It. Lester, B.
Evans, Col. De LacyLitt le Ion, E. J.
Evans, W. B. Loch, .1.
Evans, W. Lope., Sir R. F.
Ewart, W. Lontley, J. S.
Fazolterley, J. N. Los:lin:rum, Dr.
Fellowes, H. A. W. Maher-1y, Colonel
Ferguson, R. Moberly, ,T, Fergusson, R. C. DI ocaniav, T. B.
Fitzgibbon, Hon. It. 7.1acduno-id, Sir J. Fitzroy, Lieut.-Col. Illacizeuzis, S. Fitzroy, ',old J. , Macintosh. Sir J. Foley, J. H. IL Mama' inora, NV. Foley, lion. T. H. iThlAnd, R.
Hobbouse, J. C. Hodges, T. L. Hodeson, J. Mort, Sir IV. Horne, Sir IV. Hoskins, K. Howard, Hon, W. Howard, P. IL Howard, R. Howlek, Viscount Hodson, T. Hughes, J.
Jones, J. Poyntz, W. S.
Kemp, T. R. Price, Sir R. King, Hon. R. Pepys, C. 0. King, E. B. Protheroe,
Knight, R. Labouchere, H. Lamb, Hon. C-. Lambert, H. Lambert, J. S. Langston, J. H. Langton, Col. G. Lawley, F. Leader, N. P. Lee, J. L.
Illostytt, E. M. L.
Al1L,l'aVe, Sir It. Newa;lz, Lord Noel, Sir G. North, F.
Norton, C. F. Nowell, A. Nut;ret,t, Lord Ord, W.
O,.tnrue, Lord F.
1-;". C. O'ticir;:wH, 1), O'Com,ei, M. O'Fcrr .11, It :.r. O'Grady,iron. Col. Ossory, Earl of Owen, sir .1. Owen, II. 0. Paget, sir C. Paget, T.
Painnat, t;eneral Palmer, C. F. Parnell, Sir IT. Payne, Sir P. Dart. Palmerston, VI,c. PelLain, If on. C. A. Pendroves, E. W. Penlease, J. S. Peurrhya, E. Petit, L. IL Petre, Hon. E.
Pryse, P. Ramsbottom, J. Ramsden, J. C. Bickford, W. Rider, T. Roberts, A. W. Ross, II. Robinson. Sir G. Robinson, G. It. Rooper, J. 14
Rittliven, E. S. Rumbold. C. E. Russell, J.
Rus.eil, Lord J. Russell. It. G. Russell. C.
SalWord, E. A. Scott, Sir E. D. Set: i tht, Sir J. Shell, It. L. Sinctoir, G. Skipwith, Sir G. Slant,y, It. A. Smith,J. A. Smith, J. • Smith, It. V. Smith, Hon. R. Smith, Cl. It. Smith, M. T. Spencer, Hon. F. Stanhope, Captain Stanley . E. .1. Stanley.Itt.HILE.G. Stanley, Lord Steplienson, H. F. Stno..rt, 1'. 1tf. Stewart, Sir M. S. Strickland, G. Siren, E.
Stuart, Lord J. Stuart, Lord 1). C. Surrey, Earl of Talbot, C. R. III. Tavistack, 1pgoqofis
Tennyson, C. Ti.itlikesse, R. Thompson, W. Thompson, P. B. Thomson,Rt. Hn.C. Throckmortou, R.G. Tomes, J.
Torre as. Col. Towle-Item!, Lord C. Trowbridge, Sir E. Traill, G.
'!'yule, C. K. Tyre; I, C.
Venables, Alderman Vete, J. J. H. Vernon, Hon. G. J. Verron, G. H. 'Villiers, T. H. Villiers, F.
Vincent, Sir R. NVairainan, R. Walker, C. A., Wa I rotal, B. Warburton, H. Warre, 3. A. IVasno. W. IL Watson, lion. R. Wuterpark, Lord Webb, Col. Wellosley, W. T. L.
'Western, C. C.
Westenra, Hon. H. Weylanti, Major Whitbread, W. H. 'Whitmore, NV. W. Wilbraham, G. Wilde, T.
Wilks, J.
Williams, J. Williams, W. A. Williams, Sir J. EL Williamson, Sir R. Willoughby, Sir H. Winnington, Sir T. Wood, M.
Wood, J.
Wrightson, W. B. Wrottesley, Sir J. Wyes, T.
TELLERS. Kennedy, T. F. Wood, C. MINORITY. Williams, T. P. Wood, T.
Worcester, Marq. of Wortley, Hon. J. S. Wratigham, D. C. Wyndham, W. Wynne, J. Wynn, Sir W. W. Wynn, Rt. Hon. C. Yorke, J.
Young, J.
For. Broneham, W. Coke, T. W. Duncan non, Visct. Ferguson, General Loch, J.
Martin, Sir B. Attwood, M. Morison, J.
Bradshaw, It. II. Newpost, Sir J.
Beresford, sir J. P. O'Neil, General
Cooke, Sir H. Russell, Lord Fitzgerald, Rt. Hn. White, Samuel Hope, Sir A.
Against. Hand cock, R. Nichol', Sir J. Penrudriock, J. H. Taylor, W. Vaughan, Sir R.
Gilbert, D. a. Morgan, C.
Plympton ........ I Derbyshire ......• 1
Louth 1 Forfarshire 1 Flintehire 1
W'aterfordCounty 1 Dorset County... 1
Melton 1