1 OCTOBER 1831, Page 13


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EvENIN G.-Consols closed on Saturday at 821 for the Account ; Exchequer Bills 10s. to 12s.prem. Symptoms of scarcity of money continue to exhibit themselves ; so that 4 and 5 per cent. are commonly given for accommodation for short periods. The scarcity is reasonably attributed to the uneasy feeling among the monied interest, lest the Reform Bill be thrown out ; in which case, great fluctuations of Stock are anticipated, with their usual conse- quences. Exchequer Bills had fallen on Wednesday to 8s. and 9s. Towards the end of the week, tine Funds began to yield to the fears inspired by the fate of the Bill. They fell on Thursday to 814. To-day they leave off at 811, with every ap- pearance of farther depression. Exchequer Bills remain at from 8.9. to 9s. prem.


SATURDAY NO ON..--CODSOiS for Account 811 to 4• Bank Stock ....

3 per Cent. Red. 3 per Cent. Cons. 814 4 Consols for Acct. S14 31 per Cent. New 89 Long Annuities Ex. Bills, 10001.8 9 India Bonds 2s. dis. to par.

Brazilian . 46147 Chilian . ... 14 16 Ditto, New Colombian . 11 12 Danish...... 624 Greek....... .. 20 2 Bolanos.. 110 120 Mexican .......351 64 Brazilian . 4G 47

Peruvian....... 10 11 Columbian ... • 6 7 Portuguese..... 304 514 AngloMexican 17 19

Russian .. 91 4 United Mexican. 44

114 121 SHARES.,