The Times of Friday publishes from its Cape correspondent a
telegram giving the new Census for British South Africa south of the Zambesi. The total white population numbers 1,135,016, and the coloured population 5,198,175. For the separate Colonies the figures are :—Cape Colony, 579,741 whites and 1,830,063 coloured ; Transvaal, 300,225 whites and 1,053,975 coloured ; Natal, 97,109 whites and 1,011,645 coloured ; Rhodesia, 12,623 whites and 593,141 coloured ; Orange River Colony, 143,419 whites and 241,626 coloured ; Basutoland, 895 whites and 347,953 coloured ; Bechuanaland, 1,004 whites and 119,772 coloured. No figures are given as to the proportions of Dutch and British among the whites, but presumably the Dutch do not now form the majority.