Unionist Free-traders And The General Election.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE, — Will you allow me, as a Free-trader sans phrase, to put the following consideration before Free-trade Unionists ? It is universally......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator.']
Sin,—If a very long residence in the Colonies, unbiassed by any connection with politics, may be held to justify the pre- sumption, I should say that you are perfectly right in......
T He Correspondence Printed In These Columns On The Use Of
Welsh in working sheep-dogs is abundant proof that the revival of the Celtic tongues, recently advocated, will meet with no resistance from the canine population. They have been......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]
Sin,—During an otherwise delightful vacation trip in Wales and England extending over the last five weeks I have given myself the task of reading the Chamberlain speeches. This......