1 OCTOBER 1904, page 35

Lindley Says. By Barry Pain. (methuen And Co. 63.)—mr. Barry

Pain is happier and more at home in the realms of comedy than in those of more or less serious fiction. This fact is proved by the present story, of which the least successful......

We Have Drawn Attention Elsewhere To This Most...

timely book, but we must find space also for a more detailed notice of its contents. The two authors, Mr. • Canada and the Empire an Erami nation of Trade Preferences. By Edwin......

No One Not Gifted With Clairvoyance Would Recognise In The

author of Genevra the Mr. Charles Marriott who wrote The Column. The earlier work, for all its cleverness, was so disfigured by mannerisms of diction, so signally illustrated......

The Light Of The Star. By Tramlin Garland. (harper And

Brothers. 6s.)—The opening of this novel is interesting reading to those who like stories of a serious nature about actresses and play- writers. Up to the production of George......