1 SEPTEMBER 1838, Page 1

The French Government is involved in another discreditable dispute with

Switzerland. It appears that Louts BONAPARTK did not and will not quit Switzerland ; having taken up his abate in the canton of Thurgovia, where he has the right of citizen- ship. The Grand Council of Thurgovia held an extraordinary- meeting on the 22a of August ; at which Dr. KERN stated that the demand of France for the expulsion of Louis BONAPARTE would bd backed by other powers, and that the Duke of Moreee- twee° would take his passports and leave the country if it were not complied with : in spite of which, the Doctor advised resistance, and exhorted the members of the Council "to do their duty, come what might." A letter from Prince Louis, declaring that he would not engage in any intrigues, or in any way endeavour to provoke the enmity of France, was laid before the Council; and the final decision was to authorize the members for the cant. n in the General Diet to repel the demand of France in the most direct terms. The canton of Shaffhausen supports Thergovia. It remains to be seen what step France will next take : out any Sovereign of that country must be in a pitiable plight, who, at this time of day, feels it necessary for his throne's safety to hunt the members of the BONAPARTE family. And were Switzerland. a powerful instead of a minor state, he would never dare to insult it with a demand for the expulsion of one of its own citizens.

The preparations for reinforcing the squadron now engaged in blockading the Mexican coast were continued. The Prince DE JOINVILLE had taken the command of his ship.