The Guide To Service : The Lady's Maid. This Little
tract is written in a shrewd, searching, observing spirit; and points out clearly the duties of a lady's maid, or at least what the writer con- ceives a lady's maid has to do.......
Legends Of Leicester In The Olden Time, By Thom As
PRATER. STONE, is an attempt to give a new interest to the antiquities ( ' the town, by legendary tales connected with them and the ? historical events. Thus, a description and......
Memoirs Of The Celebrated Eugene Aram, By Morrison...
Excepting the masterpieces of literature, which, being based on the principles of nature or instructing us in matters whereon ignorance is discreditable, have a universal......
The History And Geography Of Greece, By Thomas Swin , ....
CARR, Hitherto the smaller histories of Greece have been mere compilations from the classical writers, not properly under- stood, or from modern historians, who read their......
State Trials : Specimen Of A New Edition, By Nicholas
THIRNING MOILE, Esq. This volume has disappointed us. On its announcement we looked for what is really wanted—a selec- tion of state trials, the most remarkable for the light......
Curiosities Of Literature, By J. Disraeli, Illustrated By...
Esq. When we were favoured with a copy of this se. lume printed for private circulation, we intimated a wish* that it had been given to the world. The reply of Mr.......
Aristomenes, A Grecian Tale, Is A Bolder Attempt Than...
Days of Aurelian; for it carries us back to the legendary his t , of Greece, when Messenia, under the hero Aristome es, struggled so valiantly against the power of Sparta. The......
7'he Last Days Of Aurelian, Or The Nazarenes Of Rome,
is a romance by the author of Zenobia, to which it forms a sequel; and, like most sequels, it exhibits a considerable falling off. The story, or rather the collection of scenes,......
Mrs. Marcet, Whose "conversations " Have Long Been...
the best popular introductions to the science of nature, has ap- plied her peculiar faculty of explaining natural phoenomena tothe instruction of' children. Conversations on......