1 SEPTEMBER 1838, page 6

Chaltas, Who Sold The Forged Documents To M. Ferments, The

Dutch Minister, has been set at liberty, " the Chamber of Accusation declaring that there is no occasion to prosecute." Perhaps all the documents were not forged, and some......

It Would Be We'll For English Liberals, Who Imagine That

Mr. O'Connell and the Irish Nlinisterial members form the grand barrier against the return of the 'Furies to power, to look a little more closely into what has actually been......

The Courrier Francais States That It Was Not Busbire, But

the island of Konack in the Persian Gulf, which the British expedition from Bombay had teken possession of. The island commands the entrance into the harbour of Bushire.......

Postscri Pt.

SATURDAY. The Paris papers, received this morning, have no state news o f greater interest than the following bulletin of the health of th e Dutchess of Orleans and her infant.......

The Court Of Assize Of Metz Lately Passed Sentence Of

death on a 'maw woman of Thionville, who was found guilty of successive acts of ffifuntieide upon seven of her own children. The Greenock Advertiser has a long account of a......

A Letter From Constantinople, In The Commerce, Says, That...

Cruise landed a quantity of ammunition for the Circassian:: on the coast, and escaped. The Ituseian agents, it is added, spread a false report of the capture of the Cruise, to......

The Paris Papers Give The Following Intereiting...

aceouchement of the Dutchess of Weans- " At one o'clock on Friday morning, the first pains of Ithour began to he felt by her Royal Iligbn. as ; anal Dre..Moreau and Charnel were......