The Court of Assize of Metz lately passed sentence of
death on a 'maw woman of Thionville, who was found guilty of successive acts of ffifuntieide upon seven of her own children.
The Greenock Advertiser has a long account of a mutiny on board the American brig Braganza, which sailed from Philadelphia on the 8th of July, with a cargo of sugar brought from Porto Rico for Genoa.
On the 5th of August, the crew inied, and, after a struggle with the captain and the two mutes, threw the captain overboard, and wounded both the mates. The passengers were Mr. Diehl of Philadelphia, owner of the vessel, his wife, and a Mrs. Turley. The mutineers con- tied the wounded mates, the cook, and the passengers, in the cabin, and forced them to give up all their valuables and arms of defence. After keeping them for several days in a state of extreme suspense, threatening to murder or throw them overboard, they put the passen. veers, the sevond mate, and the cook, into the long boat, when they
were about 350 miles off the Portuguese coast. The mutineers re- fused to let the first mate depart with the others. Atter remaining in the boat the greater part of two days and one night, the party were picked up on Sunday the 12th of August, by the Hebden of Scar- borough, bound from Sicily to the Clyde.
The Si. John's Gazette, (New Brunswick,) received by the Great
Western from New York, mentions that nineteen persons had tee
drowned by the upsetting of a pleasure-boat, when passing tbedustirit Little Falls.
Much havoc has beet' made by fires among the pine woods of Ne
Jersey. yr Bill Johnston, the pirate, is said to be at large, and made to secure him. no ernp(
A wretch who had cruelly maletreated his wife at NewOrleans, and had been sentenced by a court of justice to ten years' imprisonment, was taken by a mob from the custody of the officers, and "Lynched,- There has been a dstructive fire in the city of Hudson it arose from a spark from the steam-boat Congress, which was lying in the dock. Sixty houses were burnt, and property destroyed tot e amount of 200,000/.
A new steam-boat law goes into force in the United States on di, let of October. It tends to protect the lives of passengers by may salutary regulations, and was loudly called for by the immense awe flee of life that has occurred through wanton negligence.
A company is about to be formed in Philadelphia, to be called the . " London, Liverpool, and Philadelphia Steam Navigation Company,' with a capital of 250,0001., in 23,000 shares of 10/. each. They are to build four steam-ships ; two to sail to London, touching at Cork, and two to sail to Liverpool, touching at Belfast.