The Marchioness of Hastings commenced shooting for the season the
week before last at Boner, North Britain. At a recent battu her Ladyship killed twelve brace. It will be recollected that her Ladyship was the stiliject of an extract from the works of " Nimrod," headed " The Sportsman's Wife," from appearing at a race-ball in Derbyshire in a rich dress ornamented with the tails of foxes killed by her lord.— A few weeks back we gave some particulars of the accession of Sir John Leman, Bart., to the title and estates of the late Sir Tanfield
Leman, Bart., of Northaw, Hertfordshire. Mr. John Leman was a mechanic all his life ; is now in his 54th year; and whilst working as a storking and lace-work knitter at Nottingham, was known as a well- informed and highly honourable man. Sir John's great grandfather, Mr. John Leman, wits a retired officer in the Army, and uncle to the late Baronet. His grandfather, the Reverend P. Leman, was Rector of Warboys, Hants ; and the abeyance of the title and estates had arisen from the want of means of Sir John to pursue his claims. The estates tanisi•t of Goadinases Fields in London, and lands in Hertford- shire, Huritingdon•hire, and Ciunbridgeshire, valued at 4000101. a year, besides -2,00t),4100/. mien in ulati on s. —Letds Times. [The amount of this property nitist surely be much exaggerated.] On Sunday, Mr. Porter, recently an extensive shipowner in Liver- pool, and chairman of the Pilot Committee, sailed with his family in the ship Porter for South Australia. l le has purchased an estate in that thriving colony, and taken out with him a large stock of sheep and oxen. We observe that last week a very fine vessel, the North Briton, left Leith for Adelaide. The Edinburgh Courant says- " Hundreds of spectators were present to witness her departure; and as she cleared the pier.head, the sailors on board gave nine hearty cheers, which were promptly reaponded to by their friends on shore. There are, we understand, about passengers ; amongst whom are a number of higlily-edue cated young men of Edinburgh and -Leith, from the upper ranks of society, who go in the North Briton, with the iutention of making Australasia the land of their adoption."