The Mr rqu's of Clanricarde has been gazetted Ambassador to
The Duke of' Se ssex is about to resign the °lice Prosidnit f be Royal So icy; a id Sir John Herschel is spo'tn of as his suc- cessor, The following appointments, row formally announced in the Minis- te:ial papers, have been made for the purpose, we presuine, of makil g room for Mr. Rice junior- " Mr. John Wood, now Chairman of Stamps and Taxes, to be Chairman of the Excise Board, in the room of Sir F. Doyle, retiring on account of ill health. Mr Hart Dais, a Commissioner of Excise, to be Deputy-Chairman of Excise, in the roots of Mr. Plunkett, deceased. Mr. Stephenson. late Com- missioner for the investigation of the slave compensation claims, to be Com- missioner of Excise. Mr. Wickham, Private Secretary to Lord Millen), and afterwards one of the Excise Inquiry Commissioners, to be Chairman el the Board of Stamps and Taxes. Mr. Spring Rice to be Commissioner of Cus- toms, in the room of Mr. Binning, superannuated."
What are the superannuation salaries of Sir F. Doyle and Mr. Bin- ning? They must he ascertained, before the sum which Mr. Rice's services cost the public can be told.
For some days past, a rumour has been circulated that Dr. Hook. Vicar of Leeds, and Chaplain to the Queen, gave offence at Court by
an Anti. Popish sermon preached on the 17th of June last in the Royal
Chape:, and bad since received intimation that his services would be dispensed with in future. The Doctor's friends declared that there
was nothing which ought to have affronted the Queen or her courtiers in the sermon ; arid this morning the Times published the discourse entire, by way of proving the injustice with which Dr. Hook has been treated. The Chronicle, however, this morning contradicts the entire story, in these terms- " We have authority to state that the Reverend Dr. Hook has not been de- prived of his chaplaincy, nor directed not to preach in his turn at the Chapel It ; oor has any notice whatsoever been taken of any sermon which he may have delivered there."
So much for this mighty affair ! Are there a dozen persons in Eng- land who care whether Dr. Hook preaches before the Queen or not?