1 SEPTEMBER 1838, Page 7



The Consol Market had given way about per cent, in the course of the week; •, tbe pressure of Money Stock on Tuesday, the day fixed for settlement of the Account, being such as to cause a decline to that extent. This depression was partly owing to the fall which foreign exchanges have experienced, consequent 6„,3, a supposed deficiency of the harvest, by which a large importation of fo- reign corn and a corresponding exportation of bullion would take place. The fine weather of the last few days has, however, caused a considerable improve- ment in the rates of our foreign exchanges ; and with them the Conrail Market recovered to the point from which the recent depression commenced. It has again given way to.day, and may be considered as heavy. Money still con- tinues abundant ; and the premium upon Exchequer Bills and India Bonds is well maintained. Bank and India Stock fully support our last prices. In the Foreign Market, Dutch Stock has experienced a depression of nearly per cent. ; and though the market has since improved, the price has not as at reached the quotation from which the decline commenced. The decline 1339, we believe, been mainly occasioned by some sales effected upon a rumour of a new difficulty having arisen in the apparently endless question of sera- non between Holland and Belgium. The other Northern Continental Stocks are, however, the same; and Belgian Stock has not been affected. Brazilian Bonds are from to I per cent, below our last prices. The other South American Bonds are also heavy, and Mexican are full 1 per cent. lower. The Peninsula Securities have all been very heavy. Portuguese Five per Cents. (Regency) were at one time nearly 2 per cent. below our last prices, having been done at 341; and though they have since rallied to 34, the mar- ket is now heavy at 35. The Three per Cents, have been as low as 221, autl are now about 23. The Five per Cents. (1637) have been at 2.3, but have since rallied to 29. We are not aware thht this decline is to be traced to any political cause, but believe that the depression that has occurred in these Secu- rities, as well as in those of Spain, is attributable to the state of the market, upon which a quantity of Stock (especially Spanish) has been thrown, which, in the preseut limited scale of business, has completely overborne it. The Share Market has been more :Inhumed than usual. A report of some successful working of the Candouga Mines caused a rise of about 4/. in the shares; but that price has not been supported, and the shares have since fallen 2/. below the point from which the rise commenced ; later accounts having materially qualified the first exaggerated report of success. In the Railway Shares, Great Western have declined 31. per share, to 115C nearly in the same proportion : the quotation of Wednesday was 4/. lOs. prem., while that of to-day is Si. to 9/. The other Shares are generally heavy, with the exception of the Brighton, for which there is a demand, the speculators Laving oversold themselves.

3 per cent.Consols 93,1 4 Ditto Mr Acemint 94 t- 8 per Cent. Reduced 91; ,I lsew 3,1 per ttent . A tins lot I} Bank St uek 20.14} IniliaStoek 2641 Ditto Bowls 72 ;4pm Exchequer Bills 72 74pm Belgian 5 per Cents 102;


The business of the morning has been almost entirely contiued to Spanish Stock, the market for which is very heavy, active Bon& having been done as low as 194. The other Foreign Funds are nearly the same, with the exception

of the Dutch Twmand.a.lialt per Cc •thich have given way about 6 per

cent. ; a sale of 300,000 guilders be roker having caused a depression from 54 to 5:3, : the price has sine, ne .ed in a slight degree, and is now :a', Railway Shares are the same. Great Western 8 to 9 prem. ; arid

Birmingham 77 to 79 prem ; and Brighton 21; to 2,;1. this.

Brazilian 5 per Cent. S:',i- 4 Dollish 75} ti Dutch 2i per (toot 53: Portuguese lte;eia;, 5 p. r2ts 34; 5}

Dit to 3 [Wr Cent. 22i 31

Rossiau ( It) Slier (teat ... lit! 113 Spanish (1S.(5) 5 per Cent. ,. Itli i Delo' roil Simi.; tit Passive Ditto 4t a