The Catechism of the Church of England. Commented on and
illustrated from Holy Scripture and the Book of Common Prayer, with Appendices. By C. S. Graeber. (Parker and Co.)—This is a catechism on the Catechism,.written from the High Anglican point of view. It is almost impossible to say anything new on this well-worn subject, and we are inclined to think that some portions of the book have been strongly influenced by Prebendary Sadler's well-known work. The commentary and Scripture proofs on the Creed are meagre and inadequate ; there are no passages on the doctrine of the Trinity, the Incarnation, or the existence of the Three Persons, although seven pages are devoted to the article, " The Holy Catholic Church." The same criticism applies to the Ten Commandments ; in this case, however, the commentary is better. On the other hand, the treatment of the Sacraments is adequate, and the via media has been well preserved. The appen- dices treat of " Confirmation," " Absolution," "Ministry," and " Holy Scripture." The clergy will find this a useful help in their confirmation classes.