1 SEPTEMBER 1888, page 3

M. Jules Ferry Made A Speech At Gerardmer, In The

Vosges, on Sunday, in which he again sought to rally the Republicans by reminding them of their various hatreds. " What you would desire, I know," he said, " is a strong power,......

On Monday, Mr. Simmons, One Of The Professional Aeronauts...

has lately been making balloon ascents from different places of amusement in and near London, was killed while descending, always the most dangerous operation of the whole......

Mr. Chaplin Made A Sensible Speech At Ashby-de-la-launde,...

on Tuesday. He replied to Mr. John Morley's Lincolnshire speech, showing that it was not the defeat of the Government in the Spalding Division of Lincolnshire that had spurred......

A Frightful Parricide Took Place At Surbiton On Sunday...

Major Thomas Hare having been shot dead by his son, Gordon Horace Hare, who immediately committed suicide on the steps of Major Hare's house there. It was the old. story of a......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.

New Consols (g) were on Friday 991 to 99*.......

A Serious Accident Was Caused, And A Fatal Accident Might

easily have been caused, on Sunday, by the mischievousness or ignorant curiosity of a passenger on the Thames steamer Bridegroom,' from Kew to London Bridge, who removed the pin......

The Lord Mayor Of London, Mr. Polydore De Keyser, A

Belgian by birth, has been visiting his native town of Termonde, in state, and accompanied by the Sheriffs. The welcome given him by his old townsmen has been quite royal, a......

After All Her Thirty Years Of Ill-luck And Strange Misadven-

tures, the Great Eastern' is to be broken up. No doubt the sailors will tell us that she is quite useless as a ship ; still, it seems a pity that one of the greatest wonders of......